Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Human Crush is a very common deeds among peoples. The opposite genders have mutual feelings among each others which leads them to very happy life of both with many kinds of further relationship amongst and then leading to their marriage and then to paternal happiness.

Humans have feelings amongst which makes them a very well behaved animals thus called social animals. The males have crush on female and viceversa. Most time the males are very mentally prepared and when they get into crush and fail they are not much depressed. In case of females, they are sensitive. They don't get into crush easily but when they fall for a crush they are committed and if they are not taken into account or they fail the result may be disastrous. Mostly it leads them to psychological and physical deeds. They might commit suicide if they are really into a certain great crush.
So Friends don't get yourself crushed until you are really committed to a relationship!!!

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